Job Hopping: Red Flag or Reality of Today’s Workplace?

Person running towards an open door labeled "EXIT" with papers flying from a briefcase.

Hiring dedicated and committed employees who can help your business succeed is important. But with job hopping on the rise, there’s a balance between employing workers with proven track records and adapting to lower employee longevity.  

Median employee tenure in the U.S. was 3.9 years in January 2024, down from 4.1 two years earlier, and the lowest in over 20 years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Average tenure for full- and part-time employees in Canada was 8.5 years in 2023, which was slightly higher than 2022 and lower than tenure in 2020 (8.9) and 2021 (8.7), according to Statistics Canada.

Why Job Hopping Happens

Job hopping can lead to a higher salary, career advancement, and new opportunities not offered by a current employer. Employee loyalty isn’t what it used to be; workers aren’t as motivated to stay with a company as the benefits of doing so decrease. Staying employed at a company too long without clear growth opportunities can be stifling for career development and salary earning potential.

Research from McKinsey found employees who recently left a job most commonly did so due to a lack of career development and advancement potential (35%), having sustainable work expectations (35%), and not having caring leaders (35%).

Vet Candidates in Interviews

There may be valid reasons for job hopping, so be cautious of screening out candidates based on their longevity alone. Be mindful to identify patterns that led to a candidate’s departure from previous employers, as this can signify their weaknesses or areas of concern when bringing them into your company. Consider using these prompts for interview questions to validate candidates:

  • Ask applicants about the results they produced in their previous roles
  • What were their motivations for leaving earlier jobs?
  • Include questions that can allude to how the applicant would fit into the group
  • Work to uncover their aspirations for advancement and career growth

The investment you make in hiring shouldn’t be taken lightly. However, even serial job hoppers may be ready to settle into a career.

Solve Job Hopping at Your Company

If job hopping is taking hold and causing turnover at your company, strong retention strategies and being prepared to address turnover are the solution. Creating clear pathways to promotions and pay increases, opportunities for skill development and career growth, and prioritizing a positive culture can aid retention rates.

Turnover is a normal part of business. While it can’t be avoided, it can be managed. Express Employment Professionals’ turnover solutions resource outlines eight building blocks for solutions. If your company is facing turnover, the experts at Express are ready to help. We have insight and resources to support you and your business in hiring and retaining the right people.

Learn more about our Turnover Solutions at and contact the Express office nearest you at

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Last Updated on February 17, 2025