Job searching can be tough, but having a partner like Express Employment Professionals in your corner can offer much-needed support to help you land your next role. Learn more about working with Express and the support we offer.
What is Express?
As a leading staffing provider, Express connects job seekers with top-tier opportunities at local companies. Express is your employment advocate and we prioritize your needs and goals to match you with positions in line with your skills and experience. When you work with Express, you work with a team of professionals who have built relationships with businesses hiring in your community. And, job seekers never pay a fee to work with us.
How does this work?
When you’re ready to start your job search journey, get in touch with your local Express office by visiting in person, calling to inquire about work, applying online or on the ExpressJobs app. Be prepared to share your skills, work history, education and training, availability, how many hours you’d like to work, and preferences for your next job. Available work assignments are typically temporary or contract, full-time, or evaluation with a trial period that often leads to full-time employment.
Express places job seekers in a wide range of jobs, including:
- Office Services
- Light Industrial
- Skilled Trades
- Professional
- Call Center and Customer Service
- Healthcare and Social Assistance
- Manufacturing
- Logistics
One job application with Express opens the door to countless opportunities. Our dedicated Employment Specialists will support you every step of the way from the initial application to interviews, assessments, and job placement, without charging job seekers a fee.
What happens when you get hired?
When you create a relationship with Express, you become an Express associate. This isn’t a work assignment, but it does mean we’re in the process of finding you a job. As an associate, you may be eligible for various benefits that your Express representative can discuss with you.
Our associates are employees of Express working onsite for a client. Job assignments vary in length, and you may be eligible to work additional assignments in the future, depending on your availability and how in demand your skill set is. When your assignment ends, Express is there to connect you to your next opportunity.
To further your career development and make your skills more marketable, Express offers free training for job candidates and Express associates. Learn more about available career development opportunities, including Job Genius, ExpressLEARN, and more, from The Express Experience.
Express is here to help you succeed! Learn more about how we can support your job search by contacting your local office or visiting ExpressPros.com.